TEKS ULASAN: Struktur, Pengertian dan Contoh Ulasan

TEKS ULASAN yaitu materi bhs indonesia yg akan kita bahas kesempatan ini. Kita akan mengulas komplit tentang teks ulasan. Yakni yg akan kita pelajari tentang teks ulasan diantaranya struktur teks, pengertian & contoh teks ulasan yg diinginkan dapat bermanfaat untuk pekerjaan bhs indonesia kalian.
TEKS ULASAN : Pengertian, Struktur & Contoh Teks Ulasan

TEKS ULASAN: Struktur, Pengertian dan Contoh Ulasan

Pengertian Teks Ulasan

Teks ulasan yakni teks yg diisi penilaian atau ulasan pada satu karya (film / drama). Membahas satu film & drama menuntut kita untuk punya sikap kritis. Sikap kritis ini begitu utama supaya ulasan yg kita catat itu berperan untuk perkembangan film & drama tersebut.

Struktur Teks Ulasan

  1. Struktur teks itu yaitu beberapa sisi yg  dibuatsatu teks hingga jadi satu teks yg utuh. Mengenai struktur yg bangun teks ulasan terbagi dalam tujuan, tafsiran, pelajari, & ikhtisar. Baiklah mari kita ulas struktur teks ulasan berikut ini yg sudah saya susun komplit supaya bisa dipelajari dengan gampang. 
  2. Tujuan, memuat pengenalan mengenai deskripsi umum tentang satu karya (film & drama) yg akan dibahas. Deskripsi umum ini mempersiapkan latar belakang untuk pembaca tentang apa yg akan dibahas.
  3. Tafsiran, memuat deskripsi detil tentang satu karya (film & drama) yg dibahas, umpamanya beberapa sisi dari hasil karya, kekhasan, kelebihan, kwalitas, & sebagainya.
  4. Evaluasi, memuat pandangan pengulas tentang hasil karya yg dibahas. Hal semacam ini dikerjakan sesudah lakukan tafsiran yg cukup pada hasil karya itu. Di bagian ini penulis akan mengatakan sisi yg bernilai (keunggulan) atau sisi yg kurang bernilai (kekurangan) dari satu karya (drama / film).
 Ikhtisar, diisi rangkuman dari ulasan pada satu karya (drama / film). Sisi ini dapat berisi komentar / pendapat penulis apakah sebuah hasil karya itu berbobot/berkwalitas atau tdk untuk dilihat/disaksikan.

Contoh Teks Ulasan

Di bawah ini akan saya berikanlah contoh teks ulasan film yg berjudul Di Balik 98. Contoh teks ulasan film berikut diambil dari satu diantara sumber yg ada di internet yg akan saya tunjukkan komplit dengan strukturnya. Silakan simak berikut ini.

Orientasi Ulasan

Film Di Balik '98 yaitu film yg di produksi oleh MNC Pictures yg bercerita mengenai momen kerusuhan yg berlangsung pada th. 1998. Semuanya rakyat Indonesia tentu sudah mengetahui mengenai momen Mei 1998. Saat itu yaitu beberapa waktu krisis untuk tahta kepresidenan Soeharto & juga Orde Baru. Namun pada film Dibalik 98, di balik panasnya kondisi politik, sangat banyak arti yg dapat dipetik nilai kemanusiaannya.

Tafsiran Ulasan

Dikisahkan, Diana (Chelsea Islan), mahasiswi dari Trisakti yg mengambil keputusan untuk jadi anggota demonstran. Saat kekuasaan Soeharto menurut Diana mesti selekasnya disudahi. Mengambil keputusan untuk jadi anggota demonstran adalah pilihan yg kurang pas untuk Diana, lantaran Diana sekarang ini tinggal berbarengan kakaknya, Salma (Ririn Ekawati), yg adalah seseorang pegawai Istana Negara, & Bagus adalah suami dari Salma (Donny Alamsyah), yg juga seseorang Letnan II, Angkatan Darat.

Sejak krisis moneter diawali, Diana sudah jadi anggota dari gerakan paduan semua mahasiswa Indonesia yg menekan di turunkannya presiden Soeharto. Momen ini adalah satu diantara bentuk sikap kegelisahan orang-orang, & klimaksnya berlangsung pada tanggal 13 hingga 14 Mei, di mana ada empat orang mahasiswa yg tertembak mati oleh beberapa aparat yg menangani kerusuhan 98.

Di dalam kondisi yg begitu rumit ini, presiden Soeharto mengambil keputusan untuk pergi menghadiri KTT G-15 di Kairo. Sesaat wakil presiden, B. J. Habibie dikejutkan oleh momen penembakan yg berlangsung di Trisakti yg selesai dengan kerusuhan besar.

Kemarahan itu tdk cuma dirasa oleh mahasiswa maupun Diana, namun juga dirasa oleh Bagus, kakak ipar Diana. Mengingat istrinya yg tengah alami hamil tua, Bagus tetaplah harus melakukan amanat atasan untuk melindungi keamanan di beberapa titik & lokasi di Jakarta. Makin bimbang hati bimbang & bercampur aduk hati agus waktu tahu istrinya tdk ada di Istana, karena istrinya pergi untuk mencari adiknya Diana yg sudah sekian hari tdk ada info tentang keberadaanya & juga tdk pernah pulang ke rumah.

Semua jadi tambah absurd saat Daniel (Boy William), pacar Diana, yg adalah seseorang keturunan Tionghoa, harus juga rasakan kepedihan disaat itu. Bapak & adiknya Diana hilang tak tahu kemana dalam momen kerusuhan 14 Mei. Terutama Daniel juga nyaris terjerat sweeping orang-orang setempat dalam penyaringan beberapa orang Non Pribumi, yg ketika itu jadi puncak issue rasial di Indonesia.
Dibagian lain, rakyat sekelas gembel / orang miskin& pengemis juga mesti turut rasakan bagaimana efek politik yg berlangsung, & efek buruknya untuk mereka.


Film yg launching pada awal th. 2015 ini tidaklah film politik, namun adalah film drama keluarga, percintaan, yg di dengselubungi latar belakang kerusuhan Mei 1998. & lantaran ini yaitu film, mempunyai paradigma yg tidak sama dengan peristiwa kerusuhan Mei '98 itu. Dengan menyisipkan sedikit narasi fiksi yakni berbentuk cerita Diana, Daniel, & yg yang lain jadi akan bikin film Di balik '98 jadi lebih menarik.

Cerita genting Mei 1998 memanglah hingga sekarang ini masihlah terkenang dng baik, terutama untuk mereka yg alami dengan cara segera momen itu. Namun Lukman Sardi, sutradara, coba menceritakan persoalan lain yg ada pada film  Di balik '98 untuk di ketahui orang-orang. Hadirnya Chelsea Islan yg namanya tengah naik daun & populer, berbanding lurus dengan kwalitas aktingnya yg makin mumpuni. Boy William juga tidak kalah hebat memerankan mahasiswa turunan Tionghoa yg turut rasakan kepahitan thn 1998. Untuk penampilan pemain, Di balik 98 sudah memberi yg paling baik.

Rangkuman Ulasan

Anda dianjurkan untuk melihat film ini bila anda belum tahu bagaiman tragedi dibalik 98 lantaran film ini dapat memberi jawabannya. Film ini dapat bercerita bagaimana permasalahan itu pada akhirnya dapat usai dari perbincangan empat mata antara presiden & wakil presiden sampai pada akhirnya Soeharto turun. & yg tdk diduga-sangka yaitu film ini dapat menghidangkan komedi didalamnya,

Foreign Press Association Scholarship Fund, USA

Foreign Press Association Scholarship Fund, USA
Foreign Press Association Scholarship Fund - The Foreign Press Association has established a scholarship program aimed at encouraging foreign students enrolled in graduate programs in this country to pursue a career reporting on international affairs.

This year a minimum of three scholarships will be awarded, one for $10,000, one for $7,500 and the other for $5,000. The money is to be used for further study in print, broadcast or photojournalism.

Presentation of the awards will be made at the Annual Dinner of the FPA on May 9, 2013.

The deadline for submission of material is December 9, 2012.

To apply Foreign Press Association Scholarship Fund, applicants must:

  1. Submit a one-page statement indication how a scholarship will affect your future plans. Indicate if financial aid is needed. List all scholarships and fellowships you have received towards you studies in the United States.
  2. Submit an Op-Ed piece (maximum 750 words).
    • Prompt:The debt crisis in the European Union has been one of the most important stories of the past year and news organizations have devoted major resources to the daily reporting of developments. For the purpose of this essay, assume that you are a journalist working for a news organization that is determined to do an in-depth article about some aspect of the crisis that has not been adequately covered. Your editor has offered to assign you to spend several weeks on story with ample resources to travel wherever the story leads you.
    • Write a proposal that explains the story you want to cover. Your proposal should offer a fresh angle and delve into the area for the benefit of the public’s understanding of the debt crisis and its fallout. Your proposal must have a clear angle that defines your story, and important and interesting questions that need answers. Discuss why your story needs to be told.
  3. Present proof of enrollment in a Graduate program of Journalism.
  4. Submit two letters of reference:
    • From a current professor
    • From an editor you have worked for
  5. Submit only two samples of published or broadcast work. If work is in a foreign language, please send it with an English translation.
  6. Submit a curriculum vitae. Outline your previous experience in journalism and academic background.
  7. Only applicants with F-1 and J-1 Visas are eligible for consideration. Provide copy of documentation.
Submit material via email to: fpanewyork@aol.com

For more information, please visit official website: scrippsjschool.org

Guidelines for taking the TOEIC test

Guidelines for taking the TOEIC test - Before you finally take TOEIC test, it would be better for you to see the guidelines. The guidelines will show you how to properly prepare before and while taking the test.
Straight to the point, here are the guidelines for taking the TOEIC test that will help you do well on the new TOEIC test. 
Guidelines for taking the TOEIC test

Guidelines for taking the TOEIC test

1. Be on time.
2. Make your self comfortable
3. Sit as close to the audio sources as possible.
4. Read the directions carefully.
Before beginning the test, you will read a set of general directions. You will also be given specific directions as to how to answer each part of the test. Study the directions and the sample questions in this book carefully so that you will be familiar with the test format.
5. Work rapidly and carefully.
When you take the test, do not spend too much time on any one question. Work as fast as you can.
6. Do not take notes.
While you are taking the exam, do not make any notes on your answer sheet or on any other piece of paper.
7. Guess.
There is no penalty for guessing. Try to answer every question. Some questions are more difficult than others. You may not know the answer to every question, so make a guess.
8. Mark only one answer per question.
Questions with more than one answer marked will be counted wrong even if one of the answers marked is correct.
9. Follow the directions of the test examiners.
If you do not follow the rules during the test, your score may not be counted.
10. Look over your answer sheet
One minute before the test ends, check your answer sheet. Make sure there are no unanswered questions.
I hope by following these guidelines for taking the TOEIC test will make you feel confident taking the test
From Pearson Longman ELT

Believe in The Power of Language

Believe in The Power of Language - For David Hill, Professor of the Faculty of Arts and Culture Murdoch University, Australia, is the language of soft power ("soft power ') owned by a nation. How do other nations respect the language of a country is a measure of the influence of the country to the other nations of the world.

In Indonesian Language Teaching International Conference for Foreign Speakers (KIPBIPA) Satya Christian University Discourse Salatiga, Central Java, in early October, expressed interest in learning Indonesian in Australia continues to decline. Statistics show interest in Indonesian studies program in Australia universities dropped 37 percent. Indonesian language in schools from kindergarten through high school in Australia lost 10,000 students each year.
the power of language

The founder of the Australian Consortium for In-Country Indonesian Studies (ACICIS) was paying attention to it. Since 1995, the agency facilitates students from various universities in Australia to study in Indonesia on average sends about 50 students each semester. However, after the first Bali bombing in 2002, sending students plunged, only about 12 students each semester.

Afterwards, the Australian Government issued a travel advisory that urged citizens to reconsider if they want to visit Indonesia. The call is then often translated as the ban, and many universities or schools prohibit students and their students to go to Indonesia.

Hill founded ACICIS since 1994 to make it easier for students who wish to study in Indonesia. ACICIS connects universities in Australia and in Indonesia, and manage a variety of requirements, including visas. Institutions that received financial assistance from the government, and began to send students for the first time in 1995.

Ordinary Citizens

After completing the doctoral program at the Australian National University, Hill was called to teach at Murdoch University and simultaneously create a program in country studies. He felt compelled to set up a program ACICIS to realize it. Because, when he was studying at the ANU occurred budget cuts from the government which then have an impact on reduced hours earned college students.

"In three years time and with reduced hours from seven hours to just three hours for Indonesian, making our students and faculty, frustrated. Three years is simply not enough and we did not get anything, "he said.

Since then emerged the idea that it would be optimal if the students are learning about the language or culture of a particular country studying in the countries concerned. For that program in country studies begun, by adding one year of his college career for three years. Thus, students studying for four years.

"By learning directly to the relevant country more easily developed because students firsthand experience living in the country being studied. They are not just a guest, but take on the role as a private citizen, "he said.

ACICIS has offices in Yogyakarta. Australia, where the students can obtain information about boarding places, public transport, and how to dress and etiquette that should be upheld. On the way, Hill said, is not all smooth sailing.

"Every semester there are always students who became victims of the accident, subject to dengue hemorrhagic fever, to theft. That's it. Students so not only look beautiful Indonesia through colored glasses, but they have really to bad things, "he said laughing.

The power of language

In Indonesia, Hill deplores the events which led to the Australian people think twice to visit this country. In fact, many Australians then assume their unwanted presence in Indonesia. In fact, the Indonesian language is still the language of strategic (strategic national language) in Australia, which means it opens the possibility of cooperation in various fields.

"Rise and fall of interest in learning the language is really a barometer of the relationship between us. This includes one soft power in international relations between countries. If the interest of the Australian people goes up, it means that Indonesia has to be taken seriously. Conversely, if the decline means that Indonesia is not important anymore, "said Hill.

It was, said Hill, not only applies to Australian states, but also with other countries. If the decline in interest in learning the language of a country, the Indonesian soft power declined. Actually it is very unfortunate because many cooperation opportunities were lost.

However, the fact it did not dampen the spirit of Hill to continue to send students through ACICIS to college in Indonesia. Until now there are 25 universities in Australia which sends students to Indonesia through ACICIS. In Indonesia, there are six ACICIS partner universities, namely the University of Gadjah Mada, University of Malang, Indonesia Institute of the Arts in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Islamic University, Sanata Dharma University, and Catholic University of Atma Jaya Jakarta.

How to convince the students that visit to Indonesia, according to Hill, not just a role ACICIS. "The dosenlah which has a very large role. They are spearheading a convincing students that Indonesia was not as bad as reported so far, "said Hill.

However, he recommended the state government to take a second look for solutions to these problems. One way is to extend the scholarship studies, through the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia as well as scholarships from the Australian Government for the citizens of Indonesia. From his three-year scholarship to plus two more years to practice teach Indonesian in Australia.

Meanwhile, the Government of Indonesia, Hill advised to begin to open up in the presence of Australian citizens, for example by not complicate Australian citizen get a work visa in Indonesia.

"People who are fluent in Australia Indonesia Indonesia's hard work, the reverse is also in Australia. I think that labor migration opportunities can be more easily perhaps it could be a driving force for the citizens of Australia to study Indonesia, "said Hill.


David Hill

• Born: New South Wales, 27 September 1954

• Education:
- Australian National University (S-1, in 1977)
- Australian National University (PhD, 1989)

• Employment:
- Professor Murdoch University
- Founder and Director of the Australian Consortium for In-Country Indonesian Studies (ACICIS)

Gates Cambridge Scholarships, University of Cambridge, UK

Gates Cambridge Scholarships, University of Cambridge, UK
A Gates Cambridge Scholarship covers the full cost of studying at Cambridge.
Core components
  • the University Composition Fee and College fees at the appropriate rate*
  • a maintenance allowance for a single student (£13, 300 for 12 months at the 2012-13 rate; pro rata for courses shorter than 12 months)
  • one economy single airfare at both the beginning and end of the course
Discretionary components
The Trust also considers applications for several types of additional funding on a discretionary basis:
  • Family allowance – up to £7,775 for a first child and up to £1,200 for a second child. No funding is provided for a partner.
  • Conference attendance – up to £500 a year if you are presenting.
  • Fieldwork – you may apply to keep up to your normal maintenance allowance while on fieldwork as part of your PhD.
  • Some fourth year funding for PhD Scholars may be provided – but the termly maintenance allowance reduces per term for up to a year**
  • Hardship funding – if there are unforeseen difficulties
*The University Composition Fee varies for different types of students; applicants should see the Graduate Studies Prospectus for full details about precise amounts. Where a student from the European Union has been successful in gaining a fees award from public authorities they must accept this and the Trust will not pay these fees.
** The PhD at Cambridge is a three-year degree and Gates Cambridge Scholars should take on a research project that they and their Supervisor think can be completed within three years. However, if there are unforeseen circumstances which mean you need further funding during all or part of your fourth year, the Trust will consider an application on a discretionary basis. But you should not rely on receiving any fourth year funding when you start your PhD.
Receiving a salary or substantial other scholarship
If you are receiving a salary from an employer or have another substantial scholarship, the Trust reserves the right to reduce or not pay the standard maintenance allowance.
You can apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship if you are:
  • a citizen of any country outside the United Kingdom.
  • applying to pursue one of the following full-time residential courses of study: PhD (three year research-only degree); MSc or MLitt (two year research-only degree); or a one year postgraduate course (e.g. MPhil, LLM, MASt, Diploma, MBA etc.)
  • already a student at Cambridge and want to apply for a new postgraduate course. For example, if you are studying for an MPhil you can apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship to do a PhD. However, if you have already started a course, you cannot apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship to fund the rest of it.
  • already a Gates Cambridge Scholar and want to apply for a second Scholarship. You must apply by the second, international deadline and go through the same process of departmental ranking, shortlisting and interviewing as all other candidates.
Courses which are not eligible for Gates Cambridge Scholarships:
  • BA (undergraduate)
  • BA affiliated (a second BA)
  • MBBChir Clinical Studies
  • Part-time degrees
  • Non-degree courses
  • Courses at universities other than Cambridge
Ideal candidate
There is no one template for a Gates Cambridge Scholar: each Scholar is different and brings something unique to the programme. But The Trust is looking for four key criteria.
A good fit with Cambridge
You should be able to persuade the Trust that your qualifications and aspirations accord with what Cambridge has to offer in its postgraduate programme. It is important that you can make a convincing argument for doing a particular postgraduate degree at Cambridge.
It is therefore important that you fully research your proposed degree using the Graduate Studies Prospectus and the website of the department to which you are applying.
Academic excellence
Successful applicants must be able to demonstrate a clear ability to lead. Evidence of leadership can be expressed in a multitude of ways but the capacity of Gates Cambridge Scholars to ‘take others with them’ is central to the success of the programme.
Leadership potential
Successful applicants must be able to demonstrate a clear ability to lead. Evidence of leadership can be expressed in a multitude of ways but the capacity of Gates Cambridge Scholars to ‘take others with them’ is central to the success of the programme.
A commitment to improving the lives of others
A defining characteristic of the Gates Cambridge Scholarships is the commitment of our Scholars to working for the greater good. Although broadly interpreted, this concept is nonetheless fundamental and sets this programme apart from others of its kind.
Personal statement
Each applicant must provide a Personal Statement. It gives you the opportunity to explain why you have the qualities to become a Gates Cambridge Scholar:
The Personal Statement is used by the Gates Cambridge Shortlisting Committees to distinguish between candidates who have been highly ranked by departments on academic grounds. It helps the Committees identify those candidates who, as well as being academically outstanding, possess a capacity for leadership and commitment to improving the lives of others. Note that this is the only part of the application form where you are asked about your ‘fit’ with Gates Cambridge.
The question
Describe – in not more than 500 words – how your interests and achievements, both academic and extra-curricular, demonstrate a capacity for leadership and a commitment to improving the lives of others. Please also set out why you think there is a good fit between your professional aspiration and the graduate programme at Cambridge for which you are applying.
Key points to consider
You should also bear in mind that the attributes described above are broadly interpreted, and are dependent on the experiences of each applicant, so there is no magic formula for the Personal Statement. But some key points to consider are:
  • While there are a no hard and fast rules about what you should put into your Personal Statement, make sure that whatever does go in hits a Gates Cambridge ‘button’
  • Keep it focused and stick to 500 words maximum – it’s all we need, and being concise is a useful skill
  • Provide examples to back up your statements and avoid generalisations
  • It should not be a copy or re-hash of a personal statement for another scholarship, since the criteria may not be quite the same
  • Be realistic and concise – avoid exaggerating or labouring a point
  • Show that you have really researched the course you are applying for and clearly link it to your future plans
  • Review the short biographies of Gates Cambridge Scholars to get an idea of the types of people who have been successful in obtaining a Scholarship
  • Ask an advisor and/or someone else to review your statement to ensure it reads well and is free of error and be sure to tell them what the Gates Cambridge criteria are
  • Do a final check for spelling and grammar before submitting
Personal Reference
As well as submitting two academic references for admission, applicants for Gates Cambridge Scholarships are asked to submit a Personal Reference as part of their application pack. It is used in the same way as the Personal Statement – to reduce the large number of well-qualified applicants to those who match the Gates Cambridge criteria.
The question
Please give your assessment of the applicant’s suitability for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship. These are awarded on the following criteria: intellectual ability, leadership capacity, a commitment to improving the lives of others, and a good fit between the abilities and aspirations of the applicant and what the University of Cambridge can offer in its graduate programme.
Referees are also asked how they rate the applicant for the scholarship: exceptional, strong, not strong, weak.
Referees may paste/type up to 4,000 characters into the on-line reference or upload a separate letter.
Who should write the Personal Reference?
This is a common question. You should definitely not ask friends or family, or someone who is unable to comment on your suitability for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship.
You should ask someone of appropriate standing who is able to answer the question with authority and who understands what type of person Gates Cambridge is looking for and how competitive the Scholarship is.
Many applicants ask a current or former academic advisor who is aware of their personal attributes, others ask a current or former employer, while others ask senior staff in an organisation they may have volunteered with. These are all sensible choices, although this is by no means an exhaustive list. Some applicants ask one of their two academic referees to write the personal reference. This is fine as long as that person has a good understanding of your personal qualities. The important point to remember is that the Personal Referee must understand what the Scholarship is about and must be able to write authoritatively about your leadership potential and commitment to improving the lives of others.
Points to consider
Many points in the section about the Personal Statement also apply to the Personal Reference. Further points to consider are:
  • It is essential that the Personal Referee is fully briefed about the Gates Cambridge Scholarship, especially its selection criteria
  • It is useful when referees use specific examples of how you meet the Scholarship’s criteria
  • While your referees are likely to be busy, you will need to ensure they understand the need to keep the reference focused on the Gates Cambridge criteria and not, for example, rehash a standard or previous reference. We see a number of references which are generic and these do not do help the applicant stand out as a potential Gates Cambridge Scholar.
Gates Cambridge Scholarships are extremely competitive: over 4,000 applicants apply for 90 Scholarships each year.
Given the intense competition, the Trust has a four stage selection process:
  • Departmental ranking – the very best applicants to each department are ranked on academic merit only
  • Shortlisting – Gates Cambridge committees review the applications of ranked candidates using all four Gates Cambridge criteria and put forward a list for interview
  • Interview – all shortlisted candidates have a short interview to assess how they meet all four Gates Cambridge criteria
  • Selection – chairs of interview panels meet to decide the final list of Scholars
Please note that Trust is not able to provide feedback to applicants.
How competitive
Competition for admission to the University of Cambridge and for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship is intense.
The University of Cambridge is normally ranked in the top three universities worldwide. It typically receives over 9,000 applications for postgraduate study and research from non-British applicants, approximately 1,700 of whom take up their place at Cambridge.
Round 1 (USA)
  • around 800 eligible applicants apply
  • around 200 are highly ranked by departments in Cambridge
  • 100 are invited to interview
  • 40 offered a Gates Cambridge Scholarship after interview
Round 2: (International)
  • around 4,000 eligible applicants apply
  • around 350 are highly ranked by departments in Cambridge
  • 110 are invited to interview
  • 50 offered a Gates Cambridge Scholarship after interview
There are two application rounds:
  • Round 1: US citizens normally resident in the USA
  • Round 2: citizens of all countries other than the USA (except the United Kingdom) and US citizens normally resident outside the USA
Once you have submitted your application you and your referees will receive an email notification from the Graduate Admissions Office within 30 hours explaining how to upload supporting documents and references. You must submit this documentation by the deadlines given.
Once your application has been received, the Trust will ask academic departments in Cambridge to rank their very best candidates. A shortlisting committee then applies the four main criteria of the Scholarships to produce a final interview list.
We hold interviews in the USA in early February for Round 1 candidates and in Cambridge in late March for Round 2 candidates. If you are unable to attend in person we will interview you by Skype or phone. You will be told within a week of the interview whether you have been successful.
We advise that you begin your application as early as possible and do not wait until the deadline.
The next application round opens in early September 2012 for entry in October 2013. Scholarship deadlines are:
  • Round 1 – US citizens based in the USA – 16 October 2012
  • Round 2 – all other eligible candidates – 4 December 2012
  • You must submit your application no later than midnight (UK time) on the dates given. The Trust cannot guarantee that applications submitted after the deadlines will be considered.
  • You must supply all supporting documents (transcripts and anything else required by the department) within 7 days of submitting your application.
  • You must supply references (two academic, one personal) within 14 days of submitting your application.
  • If English is not your first language you will need to submit your language test scores.
*Note: if a course deadline is earlier than the relevant funding deadline above (for example, the Faculty of History) you must apply by the earlier course deadline.

NTNU Choreomundus Scholarship 2012

NTNU Choreomundus Scholarship 2012  - Choreomundus investigates dance and other movement systems (ritual practices, martial arts, games and physical theatre) as Intangible Cultural Heritage within the broader contexts of Ethnochoreology, the Anthropology of Dance, Dance Studies, and Heritage Studies.
NTNU Choreomundus Scholarship 2012

The programme is offered by a consortium of four universities recognised for their leadership in the development of innovative curricula for the analysis of dance.

Choreomundus focuses on fieldwork and formal analysis of movement, and engages with a variety of theoretical and methodological frameworks. The programme develops an appreciation of dance that is comparative, cross-cultural, applied, and embodied, and gives students the tools for making sense of intangible heritage within a culturally diverse world.

The programme aims to provide practical skills to observe, analyse, document, and evaluate dances. It will equip students to analyse dance as knowledge, practice and heritage and to promote different modes of knowledge transmission adapted to local contexts. A broader aim is to equip students for global challenges and cultural encounters. Employment opportunities exist worldwide within higher education and research, heritage and tourist industries, local and national agencies and public bodies which deal with safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Applicants should hold a undergraduate first degree in Dance, Anthropology or related subjects, or equivalent professional experience. The primary language of instruction is English, and an introduction to French, Norwegian, and Hungarian is provided.

In the first semester all students start in Norway for induction and an intensive course. For the rest of the first academic year, they are divided between NTNU Trondheim and UBP Clermont-Ferrand, and then spend their third semester in Hungary, and the fourth and final semester in the UK. Students who successfully complete the programme will be awarded a joint Masters degree from all four universities.

More info about NTNU Choreomundus Scholarship 2012 , click here!

The Need of Speed Reading and Its Barriers

The Need of Speed Reading and Its Barriers - Speed reading is one of really needed skill in today's academic as well as in business worlds. It's a must for students or businessmen keep trying to increase their reading skill in consideration of that information flies away. Nowadays, the revolution of information becomes familiar to us. Thus, this forces students and businessmen to adapt with the situation around and take benefit of this for themselves.
the need of speed reading and its barriers

Unfortunately, it’s quite hard to acquire this skill. Even though, we take some courses providing reading class, it still can be identified some common potential problems while trying to increase the speed reading skill. Those problems become barriers should to overcome immediately. Some of those language barriers are:

1.    Lack of concentration

Lack or just partial concentration can be the effects of the environment where people read. This is the first concern which should be overcome on ones reading.

2.    Eyes movement

It often comes to some readers shifting their eyes to other directions and then going back to the book to relocate the last point which they have read. It can be a real problem and reduce the speed reading.

3.    Short attention

When you reading, at first, you get strong attention at the beginning but slowly moving down as you are reading on. Short and weak attention force you to go back and to re-read some words, phrase, and sentences over and over again.

Thus what should you do to increase your reading skill? When you do want to increase your reading skill, try to eliminate some of the problems which can be barriers and reduce your speed reading. I remember "practice makes (almost) perfect". Practice more make your reading faster.

Source: Englishdirection.com