50 Top Universities in Indonesia
50 Top Universities in Indonesia - Webometrics, a site that performs ranking universities around the world by digital parameters, re-issued the latest ranking in July 2012. Each year, the Webometrics ranking release issued twice, ie in January and July. This time, there are 361 universities in Indonesia who entered Webometrics ranking.
By Webometrics ranking is based on a number of aspects, including related global content indexed by Google, the number of rich files (pdf, doc, docs, and pdf) are indexed in Google Scholar, and academic works published in international journals.
The purpose of this ranking is to promote the publication of the site, supporting open access, and electronic access to scientific publications. Sites considered to be very useful indicator for the rating because not only based on the number of visits, but also on the number of global content and visibility of the universities concerned.
Here are 50 Top Universities in Indonesia as published on the site Webometrics:
A. University of Gadjah Mada (world ranked 379)
2. University of Indonesia (world ranking 507)
3. Institut Teknologi Bandung (568 of the world)
4. Institute of Technology (world 582)
5. Indonesia University of Education (630 of the world)
6. Gunadarma University (740 of the world)
7. Bogor Institute of Agriculture (764 of the world)
8. UB (837 of the world)
9. Eleven universities in March (883 of the world)
10. Diponegoro University (world 948)
11. Airlangga University (988 of the world)
12. Padjadjaran University (990 of the world)
13. Hasanuddin University (world 1230)
14. Sriwijaya University (world 1263)
15. University of Mercu Buana (1277 world)
16. State University of Malang (world 1435)
17. Universitas Islam Indonesia (world 1463)
18. Muhammadiyah University of Malang (world 1492)
19. Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (world 1543)
20. Petra Christian University (world 1564)
21. University Computer Indonesia / UNIKOM (world 1637)
22. Ahmad Dahlan University (world 1652)
23. Bina Nusantara University (1666)
24. University Press (1668)
25. Surakarta Muhammadiyah University (1687)
26. State Islamic University of Malang Maulana Malik Ibrahim (1734)
27. Andalas University (1751)
28. Lampung University (1765)
29. North Sumatra University (1853)
30. Yogyakarta State University (1854)
31. Indonesia Atma Jaya Catholic University (2084)
32. Esa University of Excellence (2121)
33. School of Information Management and Computer AMIKOM (2284)
34. Surabaya State Polytechnic Electronics (2365)
35. State University of Semarang (2397)
36. Universitas Surabaya (2428)
37. Trisakti University (2443)
38. School of Information Management and Computer Jakarta (2764)
39. Narotama University (2809)
40. Ganesha Education University (2884)
41. Nuswantoro Dian University (2987)
42. The Open University (3,000)
43. General Sudirman University (3182)
44. Akprind Institute of Science & Technology (3322)
45. Telkom Institute of Technology (3451)
46. University of Papua (3497)
47. State Islamic Institute Sunan Ampel (3665)
48. Pancasila University (3665)
49. State Islamic University of Sultan Sharif Kasim (3717)
50. Padang State University (3725)
Edunews - 50 Top Universities in Indonesia
Source: Webometrics
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By Webometrics ranking is based on a number of aspects, including related global content indexed by Google, the number of rich files (pdf, doc, docs, and pdf) are indexed in Google Scholar, and academic works published in international journals.
The purpose of this ranking is to promote the publication of the site, supporting open access, and electronic access to scientific publications. Sites considered to be very useful indicator for the rating because not only based on the number of visits, but also on the number of global content and visibility of the universities concerned.

A. University of Gadjah Mada (world ranked 379)
2. University of Indonesia (world ranking 507)
3. Institut Teknologi Bandung (568 of the world)
4. Institute of Technology (world 582)
5. Indonesia University of Education (630 of the world)
6. Gunadarma University (740 of the world)
7. Bogor Institute of Agriculture (764 of the world)
8. UB (837 of the world)
9. Eleven universities in March (883 of the world)
10. Diponegoro University (world 948)
11. Airlangga University (988 of the world)
12. Padjadjaran University (990 of the world)
13. Hasanuddin University (world 1230)
14. Sriwijaya University (world 1263)
15. University of Mercu Buana (1277 world)
16. State University of Malang (world 1435)
17. Universitas Islam Indonesia (world 1463)
18. Muhammadiyah University of Malang (world 1492)
19. Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (world 1543)
20. Petra Christian University (world 1564)
21. University Computer Indonesia / UNIKOM (world 1637)
22. Ahmad Dahlan University (world 1652)
23. Bina Nusantara University (1666)
24. University Press (1668)
25. Surakarta Muhammadiyah University (1687)
26. State Islamic University of Malang Maulana Malik Ibrahim (1734)
27. Andalas University (1751)
28. Lampung University (1765)
29. North Sumatra University (1853)
30. Yogyakarta State University (1854)
31. Indonesia Atma Jaya Catholic University (2084)
32. Esa University of Excellence (2121)
33. School of Information Management and Computer AMIKOM (2284)
34. Surabaya State Polytechnic Electronics (2365)
35. State University of Semarang (2397)
36. Universitas Surabaya (2428)
37. Trisakti University (2443)
38. School of Information Management and Computer Jakarta (2764)
39. Narotama University (2809)
40. Ganesha Education University (2884)
41. Nuswantoro Dian University (2987)
42. The Open University (3,000)
43. General Sudirman University (3182)
44. Akprind Institute of Science & Technology (3322)
45. Telkom Institute of Technology (3451)
46. University of Papua (3497)
47. State Islamic Institute Sunan Ampel (3665)
48. Pancasila University (3665)
49. State Islamic University of Sultan Sharif Kasim (3717)
50. Padang State University (3725)
Edunews - 50 Top Universities in Indonesia
Source: Webometrics